OMNI CALCULATOR- 100% Free Calculators

Free Online Calculators - Math, Fitness, Finance, Science

The 100% free and reliable online calculators that help you to solve any calculation-related problems and provides you with the precise measurements

Online calculator for quick calculations, along with a large collection of calculators on math, finance, fitness, and more, each with in-depth information.


A calculator is a device or piece of software that is used to perform mathematical calculations. Calculators can range from simple devices that can perform basic arithmetic operations (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to more advanced calculators that can handle more complex mathematical functions and operations, such as square roots, logarithms, and trigonometry.

Calculators can be useful in a variety of settings, including school, work, and everyday life. For example, you might use a calculator to solve math problems, perform financial calculations (such as calculating the cost of a loan or the amount of interest you will earn on an investment), or make conversions between different units of measurement (such as converting inches to centimeters or pounds to kilograms).

There are several types of calculators available, including:

Handheld calculators: 

These are portable devices that can be carried with you and used anywhere. Handheld calculators can be either electronic or mechanical and can range from simple models with basic functions to more advanced models with additional features and capabilities.

Desktop calculators: 

These are larger, more stationary calculators that are typically used on a desk or other flat surfaces. Desktop calculators can be either electronic or mechanical and can range from simple models with basic functions to more advanced models with additional features and capabilities.

Online calculators: 

There are also a variety of online calculators available that can be accessed through a web browser. These calculators can be used to perform a wide range of calculations and may include additional features and capabilities such as the ability to save and print results.

App-based calculators: 

There are also a number of calculator apps available for smartphones and tablets that can be downloaded and used on mobile devices. These apps can be used to perform a wide range of calculations and may include additional features and capabilities such as the ability to save and share results.


Omni Calculator is a free online calculator tool that provides a wide range of calculation tools and resources. It allows users to perform a variety of calculations, including math, finance, health, science, and engineering calculations.

Some of the calculations that can be performed using Omni Calculator include:

Math calculations: 

Omni Calculator provides a variety of math calculation tools, including basic arithmetic calculators, algebra calculators, trigonometry calculators, and geometry calculators.

Financial calculations: 

Omni Calculator also offers a number of financial calculation tools, including loan calculators, mortgage calculators, savings calculators, and investment calculators.

Health and fitness calculations: 

Omni Calculator provides a range of health and fitness calculation tools, including BMI calculators, calorie calculators, and body fat percentage calculators.

Science and engineering calculations: 

Omni Calculator offers a number of calculation tools for science and engineering, including physics calculators, chemistry calculators, and electrical engineering calculators.

Omni Calculator is a useful resource for anyone looking to perform a wide range of calculations quickly and easily. It is available for free online and does not require users to create an account or download any software.

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